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Recent Drilling Extends to Koné Mineralization to Depth and Exploration Discovers New Anomaly

February 24, 2020

Vancouver, British Columbia – February 24, 2020 – Montage Gold Corp. ("Montage" or the "Company") is pleased to provide its first comprehensive update to its shareholders and to the shareholders of Avant Minerals Inc. and Orca Gold Inc. Activity since the Company's inception in August 2019 has focused on the 100%-owned Morondo Exploration Permit in central Côte d’Ivoire.

Exploration Highlights:

  • Core drilling intersects significant width and higher grade below the current 1.2Moz inferred primary mineral resource at Koné including:
    • 91.33m at 1.22g/t Au from 244m in MRRD002
    • 98.65m grading 1.06g/t Au from 136m in MRRD001
  • Aircore drilling intersects 30m at 1.11g/t Au along strike to the south of Koné
  • Discovery of a new high-grade anomaly 8km east of Koné
    • +100ppb anomaly covering 1km x 1km.
    • Small artisanal mining site drilled with all 4 holes intersecting mineralisation up to 15m at 1.71g/t Au.

Successful application for a new permit contiguous with the eastern border of Morondo adds 76km2 in immediate vicinity of Koné prospect along prospective structural trends.

To view the full release, please press here.